Landshare Week 2

Well the weather hasn't improved much! We got on and moved the chooks though, and created a nestbox for the young 'uns who are laying. Henry the rooster seems to be very happy with his hens so should anyone go broody in the spring, we can rely on those eggs being fertile!! Fresh eggs are …

New Plants

I called in at Vicky's today to do the round with the chooks which was good fun as usual. We are gradually inching them over towards the veg plots so the coops and runs can go over the planting areas to clean, scarify, and fertilise the plots ready for the new season's crops. The greenhouse …

Sussex Figs

Yesterday's visit to do the hens at Starnash was a bit of respite from the torrential rain. Thankfully there was a watery sun and a fresh blustery breeze which made a delightful change from the endless downpours we've had for the past week thanks to Storm Claudio and his showery following. The poultry are now …